The Vocational Education and Training System of Cyprus: Continuing Vocational Education and Training 2006 (May 2006)
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Vocational Education and Training Systems and Infrastructure Analysis

The Vocational Education and Training System of Cyprus: Continuing Vocational Education and Training 2006 (May 2006)  

This report was initiated by Cedefop, the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, and has been prepared by the Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus (HRDA), the nominated National Coordinator of the European network ReferNet in Cyprus.

ReferNet was set up by Cedefop as the European network of reference and expertise in vocational education and training. It aims to improve the collection and dissemination of information to policy makers, researchers and practitioners in the field of vocational education and training.

The report has been prepared as part of a series of reports on vocational education and training in European Union countries. It is a contribution to Cedefop’s continuing work on VET systems in EU member states, which is changing from being mainly based on hard copy descriptions of each national system to an electronic-based system.

This report aims to provide a description of the pre-service (initial) and in-service (continuing) training for teachers and trainers who work in the initial and/or continuing vocational education and training system. Emphasis is given on admission requirements, curricula and assessment and quality assurance issues. Information is also provided on organisations involved with, and providing support to training for VET teachers and trainers.

The Cedefop database, eKnowVet , offers on-line information on vocational education and training in partner countries. The standard entry format allows country-specific and multi-country searches covering 11 thematic areas in overview (Thematic Overviews) and in detail. The database is regularly updated by the European network ReferNet.

ReferNet is made up of national consortiums, each comprising organisations, which are representative of the interests of vocational education and training within each EU Member State, plus Norway and Iceland. The HRDA, as the National Coordinator of ReferNet in Cyprus, wishes to acknowledge the invaluable contribution of the Ministry of Education and Culture.


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